Once upon a time, I was a wee artist bursting with creative cravings!

As I grew taller and wiser, my passion led me down winding paths of creative discovery. I dabbled in the whimsy of traditional art and hopped on the tech train to embark on daring escapades with digital brushes and computer canvases. This led me to earn my shining degree in Graphic Design, proudly proclaiming my status as a wizard of visual enchantment!
After studying and working in the realm of graphic design, I began my coding apprenticeship. I slaved away, spending nights absorbing the knowledge from magical books about coding, and taught myself HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

After hours, days and weeks of intense study, I unlocked a powerful achievement! I could then charge on, and embarked on a 20+ year journey combining creativity and code as a graphic designer and web developer!

I am expanding my creative skills through creating new things including 3D modeling & printing, digital illustration, and learning more about coding through game development — whatever else catches my eye!